Dynamic Personalisation with Liquid Syntax in Advantus

Craft tailored notifications for enhanced user engagement and personalised user experience

Liquid syntax in Advantus is a versatile templating language that enables highly personalised notifications by incorporating user-specific data. It allows you to dynamically adjust content based on variables such as a user's name, location, or preferences.

By using conditional statements, loops, and filters, Liquid syntax lets you craft unique messages for each recipient, boosting engagement.

In Advantus, you can leverage liquid syntax in templates. It enables the inclusion of variables such as user names, preferences, or behaviours directly into the messaging.

This capability enhances,

  • relevance of your campaigns,
  • leading to better user experiences and
  • improved campaign performance.

Leveraging Liquid syntax in Advantus for email and WhatsApp

In Advantus, Liquid syntax can significantly enhance the personalization and effectiveness of your communications across email and WhatsApp. Here’s how you can use it in both channels:


  • Subject line
  • Reply-to email address
  • Preview text
  • Message Body


  • Message Body
  • Media URLs
  • Links


You're sending a notification about a sale to your users, and you want to personalise the message based on the user's first name and purchase history.

Hi ,

We noticed you recently purchased . As a valued customer, we’re offering you an exclusive 20% discount on similar items in our store!

Check them out here:

Hurry, this offer expires in days!

Note: You need to have relevant user data stored in your file (audience list), such as user attributes (e.g., name, location, preferences) that Liquid syntax can reference and display dynamically.