Assign User A Role

To assign user a role to your Advantus organisation, follow these steps:

To assign user a role, you must have

  1. Owner Access: Ensure you have owner privileges within the Advantus organisation to manage user roles.
  2. Pre-Defined Custom Roles: Create required custom roles in advance.

Steps to assign user a role

To assign user a role to your Advantus application within an organisation, follow these steps:

Step 1. Navigate to the application

Navigate to the application within your organisation that you want the user to be a part of.

Step 2. Add new user

Once in the application, find the Users section and select the "Add new user" option.

Step 3. Enter user email and select role

EmailThe email address of the user you want to invite to your organisation or application.
Select User RoleChoose a predefined role or a custom role to assign to the invited user based on their responsibilities.
System-Defined RolesThese are pre-configured roles within the application, such as Owner, Admin, Creator, and Validator.
Custom RolesIf you need more flexibility, create custom roles with specific permissions tailored to your organisation’s needs.

Step 4. Send invitation

After assigning the role, click Send Invitation. The invited user will receive an email with instructions to join the application.